My journey started in Atlanta at 2:30PM Eastern time aboard this aricraft:
After the 48-passenger commuter plane, I caught an MD-80 from St. Louis, and then the 747-400 from Los Angeles (photos noticeably absent due to boarding both of those at night).
The apartment I'm staying in for the next 30 days is quite nice. From the outside:
The view from the balcony is even better:
(Is this what the Counting Crows were referring to as a "Perfect Blue Building?")
This being the spring, everything is blooming. These purple trees are all over:
This is a small map of Brisbane with my apartment and the office marked.
Literally, I live 3 blocks from work, and the Central Business District officially begins south of Turbot Street. The Queen Street mall is the area marked with a series of green boxes, where Queen Street would be if it contined southwest past Edward Street to the Brisbane River. This is the very heart of the city. It's an open-air mall with loads of shops, restaurants, etc. It's only about 6 blocks past the office. A couple of pictures which don't show much because it's crowded, and difficult to see:
I took a walk down through the mall, to the river today, and it's is a beautiful, broad river. There are nice walking paths all along the river. This shot is facing northwest, upriver.
The city is fairly small, even compared to Atlanta. There aren't any tremendously tall buildings, but the height of the buildings does seem to be in proportion to the land area covered. The skyline does look quite nice:
Strangely, there is a Nepalese pagoda along the path by the river. This was, evidently, built for the World Expo, which occurred in 1988.
Also, I spotted some wildlife. Note, these lizards are large - nearly a half-meter long (heh...the metric system):
It is interesting to know, that even the crows have an accent. They sound a bit like what you'd get if a crow in Atlanta tried to imitate a cat!
Also, I live in a town where a major form of transport is FERRIES!! FERRIES!!
Yup, the Pics are great for sure!
I love how you noticed that the crows have a different voice to American crows. I'm an Aussie ex-pat living in California, where we have LOTS of crows, but I miss the weird call of the Aussie version.
As someone who did the opposite to what you've done, I'm finding it fun reading your blog.
Don't forget, "peppers" are called Capsicum, the "entree" is the starter, and we eat salad with the main course, not before it. But you probably already figured thses things out. :)
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