The odd thing about the decorations on the tree is the snowflakes. It just seems strange to decorate with snowflakes, in a land where it's completely outside the realm of possibilty to see snow on Christmas. It was 86 degrees fahrenheit (30 centigrade) today, for goodness' sake. At least in Atlanta, there's some possibility for it - slim though it might be. Well, at least sometimes it's actually cold.
The other difference I've noticed is that there's not so much of the inundation with Christmas music like there is back home. Even while shopping in Target, there was other stuff playing in the store besides Christmas music. I think that maybe only one-in-three or one-in-four songs I heard was a holiday tune. Not that I don't like Christmas music, but it can get overwhelming when it's being played everywhere, all the time for more than a month.
I also thought these angels were quite pretty:
On a completely different, and random note, the other day, I saw about the strangest vehicle I can recall ever having seen. You know how, back in Atlanta, they have these large trucks, whose sole function seems to be that of a moving billboard? Well, I saw the scooter version of one of those riding through the lunch rush of traffic between the office and Queen Street:
I had to pull the camera out and snap a picture. It just seemed so utterly ridiculous - the tiny scooter pulling a billboard trailer.
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